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List of commands for odps-table:

  • odps-table:tldr:5b342 odps-table: Add partition to a table.
    $ alter table ${table_name} add partition (${partition_spec});
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  • odps-table:tldr:808b1 odps-table: Delete table.
    $ drop table ${table_name};
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  • odps-table:tldr:900c2 odps-table: Delete partition from a table.
    $ alter table ${table_name} drop partition (${partition_spec});
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  • odps-table:tldr:975d5 odps-table: Create a table with partition and lifecycle.
    $ create table ${table_name} (${col} ${type}) partitioned by (${col} ${type}) lifecycle ${days};
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  • odps-table:tldr:fa3ee odps-table: Create a table based on the definition of another table.
    $ create table ${table_name} like ${another_table};
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