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offlineimap: Synchronize once, without enabling autorefresh.
$ offlineimap -o
try on your machine

The command "offlineimap -o" is used to start the OfflineIMAP tool in offline mode.

OfflineIMAP is a utility that allows you to synchronize emails from one or multiple remote mail servers to a local mailbox. It is designed to provide offline access to your emails, allowing you to read, search, and organize them even when you don't have an internet connection.

The "-o" option, when used with the "offlineimap" command, forces OfflineIMAP to run in offline mode. In offline mode, OfflineIMAP will not attempt to connect to remote mail servers to sync your emails. It will only work with the locally stored mailbox, allowing you to use and manage your emails offline.

By running "offlineimap -o" command, you can start OfflineIMAP and perform various operations on your local mailbox without the need for an internet connection.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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