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ogrinfo: List layers of a data source.
$ ogrinfo ${path-to-input-gpkg}
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The command "ogrinfo" is a command-line tool for interacting with geospatial data. It is used to obtain information about a given dataset.

In the command "ogrinfo ${path-to-input-gpkg}", we are using "ogrinfo" to get information about a geopackage file (a file format for storing geospatial data).

The "${path-to-input-gpkg}" represents the path to the input geopackage file. You need to replace "${path-to-input-gpkg}" with the actual file path on your system. For example, if the geopackage file is located at "/home/user/data.gpkg", the command would be:

ogrinfo /home/user/data.gpkg

Once executed, the command will provide various information about the geopackage file, including its spatial reference system, geometry types, attribute fields, and other metadata.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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