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omz: List all available plugins.
$ omz plugin list
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The command "omz plugin list" is used in the Oh My Zsh (OMZ) framework, which is a community-driven collection of powerful and convenient extensions for the Zsh shell.

When you run "omz plugin list" in the terminal, it will display a list of currently installed plugins in your Oh My Zsh configuration. These plugins provide additional functionality and features to enhance your shell experience.

Oh My Zsh offers a wide range of plugins, including Git integration, syntax highlighting, autosuggestions, completion helpers, and many more. The "omz plugin list" command allows you to see which plugins are currently enabled in your Zsh configuration.

By reviewing the list, you can easily identify the plugins that are active and being used, as well as those that may need to be updated or deactivated if they are no longer required.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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