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omz: Restart the current Zsh session and Oh My Zsh.
$ omz reload
try on your machine

The command "omz reload" is used to reload or refresh the configuration of Oh My Zsh (OMZ).

Oh My Zsh is an open-source framework for managing Zsh, a powerful and versatile command-line shell for Unix-like operating systems. It provides many useful features and enhancements to the default Zsh shell, including themes, plugins, and various customization options.

When you run "omz reload," it triggers a reload of the configuration files and settings of Oh My Zsh. This is useful when you have made changes to your Zsh configuration, such as modifying themes, adding or removing plugins, or updating any settings related to Oh My Zsh.

Reloading the configuration ensures that the changes you made take effect without the need to restart the terminal or open a new terminal session. It saves you time and allows you to quickly see the changes you made in action.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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