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open: Open the current directory in Finder.
$ open .
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The command "open ." is used to open the current directory or folder in the operating system's default file explorer.

When this command is executed, it launches the graphical interface's file explorer and displays the contents of the current directory. This allows the user to access and manage the files and folders inside the directory using the file explorer's functionalities.

The dot (.) represents the current directory, so when it is passed as an argument to the "open" command, it instructs the operating system to open the file explorer for the current directory.

This command is commonly used in command-line interfaces, such as the Terminal in macOS or the Command Prompt in Windows, to conveniently access and manipulate files and directories without manually navigating to them in the file explorer.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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