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openai: Generate images via DALL·E API.
$ openai api image.create --prompt ${"two dogs playing chess, cartoon"} --num-images ${1}
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The command you provided is using OpenAI's API to create an image based on a prompt. Here's a breakdown of the command:

openai api image.create: This is the main command to communicate with OpenAI's API for creating an image.

--prompt ${"two dogs playing chess, cartoon"}: This portion sets the prompt for generating the image. In this case, the prompt is "two dogs playing chess, cartoon". By providing a prompt, you're giving a starting point or description for the image generation process. Here, it suggests that you want an image of two dogs playing chess in a cartoon style.

--num-images ${1}: This part determines how many images should be generated. In your command, 1 is specified, meaning you want the API to create a single image based on the given prompt.

Overall, this command instructs OpenAI's API to generate one image based on a specific prompt, which in this case is a description of two dogs playing chess in a cartoon style.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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