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openssl-ts: Create a timestamp response for request using key and signing certificate and output it to `file.tsr`.
$ openssl ts -reply -queryfile ${filename-tsq} -inkey ${path-to-tsakey-pem} -signer tsacert.pem -out ${filename-tsr}
try on your machine

The command is using the OpenSSL tool to generate a Time-Stamp Response (TSR) for a given Time-Stamp Query (TSQ) file. Here's the breakdown of the command:

  • openssl ts: This is the command to work with timestamping operations in OpenSSL.
  • -reply: This flag indicates that the command is used to generate a Time-Stamp Response.
  • -queryfile ${filename-tsq}: Specifies the path and filename of the TSQ file that contains the timestamp query. The ${filename-tsq} is a placeholder for the actual filename.
  • -inkey ${path-to-tsakey-pem}: Specifies the path to the private key (PEM format) associated with the TSA (Time-Stamping Authority) used for signing the response. The ${path-to-tsakey-pem} is a placeholder for the actual path.
  • -signer tsacert.pem: Specifies the path and filename of the certificate that signs the timestamp response. The tsacert.pem is the placeholder for the actual filename.
  • -out ${filename-tsr}: Specifies the output path and filename for the Time-Stamp Response file. The ${filename-tsr} is a placeholder for the actual filename.

Overall, this command takes a TSQ file, signs it using a private key and TSA certificate, and generates a TSR file as the output.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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