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openssl: Print options for a specific subcommand.
$ openssl help ${x509}
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The command "openssl help ${x509}" is used to obtain help information about the OpenSSL command-line tool, specifically for the x509 subcommand.

  • "openssl" is the command-line tool for using OpenSSL, a widely used cryptography library.
  • "help" is a command or option that can be used with OpenSSL to display information about its usage and available subcommands.
  • "${x509}" is a shell variable. It could be a string or a reference to another variable, containing the keyword or name of the specific subcommand for which help is required (in this case, "x509").

When executed, this command will display the help instructions for the "x509" subcommand of OpenSSL. This subcommand is used for handling X.509 digital certificates, such as generating, signing, verifying, and managing certificate files. The help information will provide details about the available options, arguments, and usage examples specific to the "x509" command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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