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openttd: Start with selected video, sound, and music drivers.
$ openttd -v ${video_driver} -s ${sound_driver} -m ${music_driver}
try on your machine

The command you provided, "openttd -v ${video_driver} -s ${sound_driver} -m ${music_driver}," is used to launch the OpenTTD game with specific driver options.

Here's a breakdown of each part of the command:

  • "openttd" is the executable name of the OpenTTD game. It is the program that runs the game.
  • "-v" is an option flag that stands for "video_driver" and is followed by a value. This option allows you to specify the video driver to use for rendering the game graphics. The ${video_driver} is a placeholder that should be replaced with an actual video driver name.
  • "-s" is an option flag that stands for "sound_driver" and is followed by a value. This option allows you to specify the sound driver to use for playing the game audio. The ${sound_driver} is a placeholder that should be replaced with an actual sound driver name.
  • "-m" is an option flag that stands for "music_driver" and is followed by a value. This option allows you to specify the music driver to use for playing the game's background music. The ${music_driver} is a placeholder that should be replaced with an actual music driver name.

By including these options with their respective driver values, you can customize the game's video, sound, and music settings according to your preferences or system compatibility.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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