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optipng: Compress a PNG with default settings.
$ optipng ${filename-png}
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This command is used to optimize or compress a PNG image file using the "optipng" tool.

Here's an explanation of the components of the command:

  1. optipng: This is the name of the tool or program that is being executed. It is responsible for optimizing PNG image files by reducing their file size without affecting the image quality.

  2. ${filename-png}: This is a placeholder or variable for the name of the PNG image file that you want to optimize. The actual filename should be provided in place of ${filename-png}. Make sure to include the file extension .png.

By running this command with the appropriate file name, the optipng tool will process the PNG file and try to reduce its size while keeping the image quality intact. This can be useful to optimize web graphics or reduce the storage size of PNG files without sacrificing visual quality.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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