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orca-c: Show the main menu inside of ORCA.
$ F1
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The command "F1" is typically associated with pressing the function key 1 (F1) on a computer keyboard. When you press this key, it performs a specific function depending on the context in which it is used. Below are a few common functions associated with the F1 key:

  1. Help: In many software applications and operating systems, pressing F1 opens a Help menu or launches a Help system. It provides users with relevant information or documentation to address any queries or issues they may have.

  2. BIOS Setup: When you press F1 during the boot process of a computer, it may enter the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) setup. BIOS is a firmware interface that allows users to configure various hardware settings of the computer.

  3. Multimedia Functions: On certain keyboards, the F1 key can be assigned to multimedia functions such as opening a media player, playing or pausing a media file, or adjusting the volume.

  4. Developer Tools: In some integrated development environments (IDEs) or code editors, pressing F1 can trigger a command palette or quick access menu, where developers can search for and execute various tools or commands related to code editing, debugging, and more.

  5. Microsoft Office: In Microsoft Office applications like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, pressing F1 opens the Help menu specific to that application, providing assistance and documentation related to its usage.

It's important to note that the function of the F1 key can vary depending on the software, operating system, and keyboard configuration. It's always helpful to consult the documentation or context-specific guides for accurate information on the functions associated with the F1 key in a particular system or application.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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