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p10k: Configure powerlevel10k interactively.
$ p10k configure
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The command "p10k configure" is used to configure the settings of a framework called Powerlevel10k. Powerlevel10k is a highly customizable Zsh prompt theme designed for users who want their terminal prompt to be visually appealing and informative.

When you run "p10k configure" in your terminal, it launches an interactive configuration wizard provided by Powerlevel10k. This wizard guides you through various options and settings to customize your prompt according to your preferences. It allows you to choose things like color schemes, icons, layout, and additional features.

By running "p10k configure" and going through the configuration process, you can easily set up Powerlevel10k to have a personalized and visually appealing prompt that fits your needs and style.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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