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p4: Submit a changelist to the depot.
$ p4 submit -c ${changelist_number}
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This command is used in the Perforce (p4) version control system to submit a changelist to the repository.

The command is as follows: p4 submit -c ${changelist_number}


  • p4: This is the command-line interface for the Perforce version control system.
  • submit: This is the command to submit changes to the repository.
  • -c: This flag is used to specify the changelist number that you want to submit.
  • ${changelist_number}: This is a placeholder for the actual number of the changelist you wish to submit. You need to replace ${changelist_number} with the specific changelist number you want to submit.

For example, if you have a changelist with the number 1234 that you want to submit, the command would be: p4 submit -c 1234.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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