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p4: Create a client.
$ p4 client
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The command "p4 client" is a Perforce command that is used to create or edit a client specification. A client specification, also known as a workspace, defines how files are mapped between the server and the local machine, and specifies various workspace settings.

Using the "p4 client" command, you can create a new client specification by providing the necessary details such as client name, root directory, server workspace view, etc. You can also use this command to edit an existing client specification to modify any of its settings.

Here is the basic syntax of the command: p4 client [options] [clientname]

Some commonly used options with this command are:

  • -d: Deletes a client specification.
  • -o: Displays the client specification in an editable form.
  • -i: Reads the client specification from standard input.

Overall, the "p4 client" command is essential for managing workspace configurations in Perforce, allowing users to customize their work environment and define how files are synced between the server and their local machine.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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