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p4: Create or edit changelist description.
$ p4 change
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The "p4 change" command is a command used in Perforce, a version control system, to create a new change or modify an existing change.

When you run the "p4 change" command without any additional arguments, it opens a new change form in your default text editor (specified by the P4EDITOR environment variable) for you to fill out. In this change form, you can specify the description, the files that are being modified, and any other relevant information about the change.

For example, if you run "p4 change" and your default text editor opens, you can fill out the change form with information such as "Updated the login page UI" and specify the files that were modified, like "//depot/main/project/login.html".

Once you save and close the change form in your text editor, the Perforce server assigns a unique change number to the new change, and the change is stored in the Perforce database. This change number helps track and identify the specific changes made to files in the version control system.

Overall, the "p4 change" command is used to create or modify changes in Perforce and helps in keeping track of and organizing modifications made to files in a project.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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