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pacaur: Synchronize and update only AUR packages.
$ pacaur -Syua
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The command "pacaur -Syua" is used in Arch-based Linux distributions (such as Manjaro) and is a combination of different flags used with the "pacaur" package manager utility. Here is an explanation of each part of the command:

  • "pacaur" is a command-line tool used for searching, installing, updating, and managing packages in Arch-based Linux distributions. It is built on top of the "pacman" package manager, which is the default package manager in Arch Linux.

  • "-S" is a flag used to synchronize the package databases. It updates the local package database with the latest version, ensuring that you have the most recent information about available packages. This step is usually necessary before performing any other package-related operations.

  • "-y" is another flag which passes "yes" as the answer to any confirmation prompts during the update process. It automates the confirmation process and saves you from manually confirming the update for each package.

  • "-u" is a flag used to upgrade installed packages. It initiates the process of updating all installed packages to their latest available versions.

  • "-a" is a flag used to update all AUR (Arch User Repository) packages. AUR is a community-driven repository where users can upload packages not available in the official repositories. This flag ensures that all packages installed from the AUR are also updated to their latest versions.

In summary, the "pacaur -Syua" command updates the local package database, upgrades all installed packages, and updates all AUR packages, all while automatically confirming the updates without any user intervention.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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