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pacaur: Remove a package and its dependencies (includes AUR packages).
$ pacaur -Rs ${package_name}
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The command "pacaur -Rs ${package_name}" is used to uninstall a package from the system using the "pacaur" package manager on an Arch Linux-based system.

Here is an explanation of each component of the command:

  • "pacaur": Pacaur is a package manager for Arch Linux and Arch Linux-based systems that uses the Arch User Repository (AUR) to manage package installation and updates. It is a convenient tool that simplifies the process of installing software packages from AUR.

  • "-Rs": The "-Rs" option is a combination of two options: "-R" for removing a package and "-s" for also removing unneeded dependencies. When used together, this option ensures that not only the specified package is uninstalled but also any dependencies that are no longer needed.

  • "${package_name}": This placeholder represents the name of the package that you want to uninstall. You need to replace "${package_name}" with the actual name of the package you wish to remove from your system.

By running this command with the appropriate package name, you will uninstall the specified package and any unnecessary dependencies that were installed along with it.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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