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List of commands for pacman:

  • pacman:ai:2fc51 This command installs PHP 8.2 in Arch Linux using the package manager 'pacman'.
    $ pacman -Syu php
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  • pacman:ai:3aa8b what happened to the aurvote package in the aur
    $ pacman -S aurvote
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  • pacman:ai:4e491 How i install paccache
    $ pacman -S pacman-contrib
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  • pacman:ai:84d93 how do I remove orphaned dependencies from pacman and yay
    $ pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qdtq) && yay -Rns $(yay -Qdtq)
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  • pacman:ai:8577a Install rsyslogd package using pacman package manager
    $ pacman -S rsyslog
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  • pacman:ai:96e14 Update and optimize the Pacman mirrorlist using reflector
    $ pacman -Sy reflector && reflector -c 'United States' -f 12 -l 10 --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
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  • pacman:tldr:05d7e pacman: Synchronize and update all packages.
    $ sudo pacman -Syu
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  • pacman:tldr:0e8f8 pacman: List only the explicitly installed packages and versions.
    $ pacman -Qe
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  • pacman:tldr:515fa pacman: Empty the entire pacman cache.
    $ sudo pacman -Scc
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  • pacman:tldr:658b5 pacman: List installed packages and versions.
    $ pacman -Q
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  • pacman:tldr:722cd pacman: Search the package database for a regular expression or keyword.
    $ pacman -Ss "${search_pattern}"
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  • pacman:tldr:9adad pacman: Install a new package.
    $ sudo pacman -S ${package_name}
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  • pacman:tldr:da6d4 pacman: List orphan packages (installed as dependencies but not actually required by any package).
    $ pacman -Qtdq
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  • pacman:tldr:f6941 pacman: Remove a package and its dependencies.
    $ sudo pacman -Rs ${package_name}
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