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pacman-database: Display help.
$ pacman --database --help
try on your machine

The command "pacman --database --help" is used to display the help manual or documentation for the "database" subcommand of the Pacman package manager.

Pacman is a package management utility mainly used in Arch Linux and its derivatives to install, upgrade, and manage software packages. Pacman maintains a local package database which includes information about the installed packages on the system.

By using the "--database" option, you specify that you want to access the "database" subcommand of Pacman. This subcommand allows you to perform various operations on the package database, such as querying information about installed packages, checking integrity, synchronizing mirrors, etc.

By appending "--help" to the command, you are requesting the help documentation for the "database" subcommand. This will display a detailed explanation of the available options, their usage, and examples of how to use them, providing guidance on how to interact with the package database using this subcommand.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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