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pacman-deptest: Display help.
$ pacman --deptest --help
try on your machine

The command "pacman --deptest --help" is used on systems that run on Arch Linux, Manjaro, or other Arch-based distributions. Here's a breakdown of the components of the command:

  • "pacman" refers to the package manager used in Arch Linux and derivatives. It is the command-line package manager that handles package installations, updates, and removals.
  • "--deptest" is an option that can be passed to the "pacman" command. When used, it performs a dependency test on the system to check if all installed packages meet their dependencies. It ensures that no packages are broken or incomplete as it verifies if every package required by other packages is installed correctly.
  • "--help" is another option that can be used with many command-line tools. It provides information and guidance on how to use the command, what options are available, and sometimes includes examples.

By running "pacman --deptest --help", you are asking the "pacman" command to provide you with help information specifically related to the "--deptest" option. It will display a list of available options for the "pacman" command, including a description of each option, its usage, and the expected output.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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