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pacman-files: Update the package database.
$ sudo pacman --files --refresh
try on your machine

This command is used on the Arch Linux and its derivatives that utilize the pacman package manager. Here is the breakdown of each component:

  • sudo: This is used to run the following command with administrative privileges. It allows the user to execute commands as the superuser or root.

  • pacman: This is the package manager used in Arch Linux and its derivatives. It is responsible for installing, removing, and managing packages.

  • --files: This is an option or flag used with pacman. The --files option allows you to display the files installed by a package or list all files in a package.

  • --refresh: This is another option used with pacman. The --refresh option updates the package lists from all enabled software repositories. It synchronizes the local package database with the latest one available online.

So, when you run the command sudo pacman --files --refresh, you are refreshing the package lists by updating the local package database and also checking for any newly available packages. Additionally, the --files option displays the files installed by packages or lists all files in a specific package.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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