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pacman-query: List orphan packages (installed as dependencies but not required by any package).
$ pacman --query --unrequired --deps --quiet
try on your machine

This command performs a query operation with the Pacman package manager, specifically using the following options:

  • --query: This option indicates that the command will perform a query operation with Pacman. It allows you to search for installed packages and display information about them.

  • --unrequired: This option filters the query results to display only packages that are not required by any other installed package. In other words, it shows packages that are not dependencies for any other package.

  • --deps: This option includes the required dependencies of each package in the query results. It displays the packages that are necessary for the selected packages to function properly.

  • --quiet: This option suppresses any informational messages or warnings that Pacman might otherwise display during the query operation. It ensures a quiet execution without any additional output.

Overall, this command performs a silent query operation using Pacman, displaying information about installed packages that are not required by any other package, along with their dependencies.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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