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pacman-upgrade: Install a package without prompting.
$ sudo pacman --upgrade --noconfirm ${path-to-package-pkg-tar-zst}
try on your machine

The command "sudo pacman --upgrade --noconfirm ${path-to-package-pkg-tar-zst}" is used in Arch Linux or Arch-based distributions to upgrade a package using the package manager called Pacman. Let's break down the command:

  • "sudo" is used to run the command with administrative (superuser) privileges. This is necessary as system-level operations are typically restricted to the root user.
  • "pacman" is the package manager used in Arch Linux. It is used to install, upgrade, and manage software packages.
  • "--upgrade" is an option that tells Pacman to upgrade the specified package. This option ensures that the existing package will be replaced with the newer version, if available.
  • "--noconfirm" is an option that skips the confirmation prompts during the upgrade process. It automatically answers "yes" to any prompts that may appear.
  • "${path-to-package-pkg-tar-zst}" represents the path to the package file with the ".pkg.tar.zst" extension. The specific location of the package file needs to be provided in this placeholder.

In summary, this command with the appropriate package file path will upgrade the package without any confirmation prompts, using the Pacman package manager with administrative privileges.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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