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pacstall: Update pacstall's scripts.
$ pacstall --update
try on your machine

The command "pacstall --update" is used to update the list of packages available in the Pacstall package manager.

Pacstall is a package manager similar to apt or dnf, but it is specifically designed for the PACTOROS Linux distribution. It allows users to easily install, manage, and update software packages on their system.

When you run the "pacstall --update" command, it connects to the Pacstall repository server and checks for any updates to the package listings. It downloads and updates the local package database, ensuring that you have the most up-to-date information about available packages.

By running this command, you can ensure that you have the latest package versions and can take advantage of any bug fixes, security patches, or new features that have been released since you last updated your package list.

After running the "pacstall --update" command, you can then proceed to install or upgrade packages using the Pacstall package manager.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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