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pacstrap: Install packages using package files.
$ pacstrap -U ${path-to-new-root} ${path-to-package1} ${path-to-package2}
try on your machine

The command "pacstrap" is a script provided by the Arch Linux distribution, used primarily for installing packages into a new root file system. The "-U" option is used to update all packages before installation.

Here is the breakdown of the command:

  1. "pacstrap": It is the name of the script/command that will be executed.
  2. "-U": This option tells pacstrap to update all packages before installing them.
  3. "${path-to-new-root}": It specifies the path to the target directory where the packages will be installed. This should be the root directory of a new file system, usually mounted within an Arch Linux installation environment.
  4. "${path-to-package1}", "${path-to-package2}": These are the paths to the package files that you want to install into the new root directory. The command accepts multiple package paths, allowing you to specify several packages within a single command.

Overall, this command updates all packages and then installs the specified packages into the provided root directory for a new Arch Linux installation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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