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pacstrap: Install packages in interactive mode (prompts for confirmation).
$ pacstrap -i ${path-to-new-root} ${packages}
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The pacstrap command is a utility provided by Arch Linux. It is used to install essential packages to a specified target directory, also known as the new root.

Here is a breakdown of the command you provided:

  • pacstrap: the command to install packages
  • -i: an option indicating that the operation is interactive, meaning that it will prompt for confirmation before installing packages
  • ${path-to-new-root}: a placeholder representing the path to the target directory where the packages will be installed. You should replace ${path-to-new-root} with the actual path.
  • ${packages}: a placeholder representing the packages that need to be installed. You should replace ${packages} with the names of the desired packages separated by space.

Example usage:

pacstrap -i /mnt/base-installation base linux linux-firmware

In this example, /mnt/base-installation is the target directory, and base, linux, and linux-firmware are the packages to be installed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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