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parted: Start interactive mode with the specified disk selected.
$ sudo parted ${-dev-sdX}
try on your machine

The command "sudo parted ${-dev-sdX}" is utilizing the parted command with the help of sudo (which is used to execute commands with administrative privileges).

Here, the ${-dev-sdX} is a placeholder for a specific device disk. The "sdX" part represents the disk identifier, where X can be any alphabetical letter. For instance, "sda" represents the first disk, "sdb" represents the second disk, and so on.

The purpose of the parted command is to manage disk partitioning on Linux systems. It allows users to create, delete, resize, and manage partitions on a disk. By specifying the specific device disk (sdX) as an argument, this command will interact with that disk's partition table.

Using sudo with this command is crucial since disk management requires administrative privileges, as it directly impacts the system's storage structure and can potentially have severe consequences if misused.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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