The command "sudo partprobe --summary" is used to display a summary of the partition changes without actually modifying the partitions on Linux systems.
Let's break down the command:
"sudo": It is a command used to execute another command with administrative or root privileges. It stands for "superuser do".
"partprobe": It is a utility used to inform the operating system kernel to re-read the partition table without rebooting the system. It can detect any changes made to the partitions and update the system accordingly.
"--summary": It is an option or parameter that is passed to the "partprobe" command to display a summary of the partition changes.
In simple terms, "sudo partprobe --summary" is used to trigger the kernel to update the partition table and then provides a summary of any changes made to the partitions. This can be helpful when you have manipulated the partitions (e.g., creating, deleting, or resizing) and want to verify the changes without restarting your system.