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pass: Generate a new random password with a given length, and copy it to the clipboard.
$ pass generate -c ${path-to-data} ${num}
try on your machine

The command you provided is not a recognized command in most common command-line interfaces. However, I can explain the parts of the command:

  • pass generate: This could be a command that is related to a password manager tool called "pass". "pass" is a command-line password manager where you can store and generate passwords.

  • -c ${path-to-data}: It seems like a flag or option for the "pass generate" command. The -c flag specifies the path to the data or configuration file for the password manager. ${path-to-data} is a placeholder for the actual path in the command. You should replace ${path-to-data} with the specific path to your password data.

  • ${num}: It seems like another placeholder in the command where you should replace ${num} with a specific number. The purpose of this number is unknown without further context.

Please note that the interpretation of the command may vary depending on the specific environment, tools, or frameworks you are using.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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