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pastel: Generate a set of N visually distinct colors.
$ pastel distinct ${8}
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This command involves the use of the "pastel" tool and the "distinct" option.

The "pastel" tool is a command-line tool that enables the generation of colors for use in terminal output. It is commonly used to add color to command-line interfaces or to generate colored text or output in scripts or programs.

The "distinct" option, in this case, is an argument passed to the "pastel" tool. When used with the "$ {8}" parameter, it instructs the "pastel" tool to generate eight distinct colors.

The "${8}" syntax is a way to pass a variable or value as an argument to a command. In this case, it is specifying the number of distinct colors requested, which is 8.

Overall, this command is using the "pastel" tool to generate eight distinct colors, which can be used for various purposes like adding color to terminal output or generating colored text or visual elements in scripts or programs.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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