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pathchk: Check pathnames for validity on a wider range of POSIX compliant systems.
$ pathchk -p ${path1 path2 …}
try on your machine

The command "pathchk -p ${path1 path2 …}" is used to check whether the given paths are valid and follow the rules of the current operating system's file system path conventions. Here's an explanation of the command components:

  • "pathchk": This is the name of the command-line utility. It is used to check the validity and characteristics of file and directory paths.
  • "-p": This is an option or flag provided to the "pathchk" command. The "-p" flag is used to specify that the given paths should be checked for validity.
  • "${path1 path2 …}": This is a placeholder that represents the paths or directories to be checked. You need to replace "${path1 path2 …}" with the actual paths you want to examine.

To use this command, you would replace "${path1 path2 …}" with the paths you want to verify. For example, "pathchk -p /home/user/documents /usr/local/bin" will check the validity of the paths "/home/user/documents" and "/usr/local/bin". The command will then provide feedback on whether the paths are valid or not based on the operating system's path conventions.

Note that the exact behavior of the "pathchk" command can vary slightly between different operating systems or distributions. It's essential to consult the command's manual or documentation for more specifics on its usage and options in your specific environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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