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pdbedit: Remove a Samba user.
$ sudo pdbedit --user ${username} --delete
try on your machine

This command is a combination of two separate commands: sudo and pdbedit.

  • sudo: This command is used in Unix-like operating systems to run a command with administrative privileges. It allows a user with sufficient permissions to execute commands as the superuser or another user.
  • pdbedit: This command in Linux/Unix systems is used to administer user accounts in the SAM (Security Account Manager) database. It is primarily used for managing user accounts in a Samba server.

The combined command sudo pdbedit --user ${username} --delete is used to delete a user account from the SAM database using administrative privileges. Specifically, it deletes the user account specified by the ${username} variable.

To break down the command further:

  • sudo: Runs the subsequent command (pdbedit) with administrative privileges.
  • pdbedit: The command used to manage user accounts in the SAM database.
  • --user ${username}: Specifies the user account to delete. The ${username} variable should be replaced with the actual username.
  • --delete: Instructs pdbedit to delete the specified user account.

Overall, this command allows administrators to delete a user account from the SAM database using the pdbedit tool with elevated privileges.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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