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pdbedit: Reset a Samba user's failed password counter.
$ sudo pdbedit --user ${username} --bad-password-count-reset
try on your machine

The command "sudo pdbedit --user ${username} --bad-password-count-reset" is used to reset the bad password count for a particular user in a Linux system.

Here's a breakdown of the different aspects of the command:

  • "sudo" is a command that allows users to run programs with the security privileges of another user, usually the root user. It is often used to perform administrative tasks.

  • "pdbedit" is a command-line utility for managing the Samba user database (smbpasswd file) on Linux systems. Samba is a software suite that enables file and print services between different operating systems, particularly Windows and Unix-like systems.

  • "--user ${username}" is an option that specifies the username for whom the bad password count should be reset. The "${username}" is a placeholder, and you need to replace it with the actual username.

  • "--bad-password-count-reset" is an option that indicates the command is used to reset the bad password count for the specified user.

When you run this command with the appropriate username, it will reset the bad password count for that user in the Samba user database. The bad password count is typically used to keep track of the number of consecutive failed login attempts for a user. Resetting the count can be helpful if a user has mistakenly entered the wrong password multiple times and is locked out of the system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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