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pdffonts: Print additional information on location of the font that will be used when the PDF file is rasterized.
$ pdffonts -loc ${filename-pdf}
try on your machine

The command "pdffonts -loc ${filename-pdf}" is a command-line instruction to analyze and display information about the fonts used in a PDF document.

Let's break down the command:

  • "pdffonts" is the name of the command or program being executed. It is a utility tool commonly found in Linux and Unix-based systems for analyzing PDF files.

  • "-loc" is an option or flag that is passed to the "pdffonts" command. This specific flag requests the utility to display the font location information in addition to other font details.

  • "${filename-pdf}" is a placeholder or a variable that needs to be replaced with the actual filename of the PDF document you want to analyze. In command-line usage, variables are enclosed in curly braces and prefixed with a dollar sign. In this case, it suggests that you should replace "${filename-pdf}" with the actual name of the file, including the ".pdf" extension.

Once you replace "${filename-pdf}" with the PDF's actual filename, running the command will execute the "pdffonts" program and display a table with details about the fonts used in the specified PDF document. Additionally, with the "-loc" flag, it will also show the font file location on the system, providing information about system fonts and their paths within the PDF.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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