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pdfimages: Extract images from pages 3 to 5.
$ pdfimages -f ${3} -l ${5} ${filename-pdf} ${filename_prefix}
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The command pdfimages is used to extract images from a PDF file. Let's break down the different components of the command you provided:

  • pdfimages: This is the main command that is being executed.
  • -f ${3}: This option specifies the first page to extract images from. ${3} refers to the third argument provided when running the command (assuming it is a variable). It specifies a page number or a specific range of pages to extract images from starting from that page.
  • -l ${5}: This option specifies the last page to extract images from. ${5} refers to the fifth argument provided when running the command (assuming it is a variable). It specifies the page number until which images should be extracted.
  • ${filename-pdf}: This is the name of the PDF file from which images will be extracted. ${filename-pdf} is the PDF filename (assuming it is a variable).
  • ${filename_prefix}: This is the prefix for the extracted image file names. Each image extracted will have a unique name starting with this prefix. ${filename_prefix} is the prefix variable.

When you execute this command with appropriate values for the variables, it will extract images from the specified range of pages in the PDF file and save them as separate image files.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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