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pdfjam: Merge the first page of each file together.
$ pdfjam ${files---} 1 --outfile ${path-to-output_file-pdf}
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The command "pdfjam" is used to manipulate PDF files. Here is the breakdown of the given command:

  1. "pdfjam" is the main command that calls the pdfjam tool.
  2. "${files---}" is a placeholder for the input PDF file(s) you want to process. It could be a single PDF file or multiple files separated by spaces.
  3. "1" specifies the sequence of pages to be included in the output file. In this case, it indicates including all pages.
  4. "--outfile" is an option that specifies the path and name for the output file generated by pdfjam.
  5. "${path-to-output_file-pdf}" is a placeholder for the desired path and name of the output PDF file. You'll need to replace it with the actual path and name you want for the resulting file.

Overall, this command is using pdfjam to combine the specified input PDF file(s) into a single output PDF file, which will be generated at the specified path and filename.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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