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pdfjam: Sign an A4 page (adjust delta to height for other formats) with a scanned signature by overlaying them.
$ pdfjam ${filename-pdf} ${path-to-signature} --fitpaper true --outfile ${path-to-signed-pdf} --nup "${1x2}" --delta "${0 -842pt}"
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This command uses the pdfjam tool to perform some actions on a PDF file. Let's break down the different parts of the command:

  1. pdfjam: This is the command used to run the pdfjam tool.

  2. ${filename-pdf}: This is a placeholder for the name of the PDF file that you want to modify. You need to replace ${filename-pdf} with the actual filename.

  3. ${path-to-signature}: This is a placeholder for the file path to the signature image that you want to add to the PDF. Again, you need to replace ${path-to-signature} with the actual file path.

  4. --fitpaper true: This option ensures that the PDF will be scaled to fit the paper size.

  5. --outfile ${path-to-signed-pdf}: This option specifies the output file path where the modified PDF will be saved. You need to replace ${path-to-signed-pdf} with the desired file path.

  6. --nup "${1x2}": This option arranges the pages of the PDF into a "n-up" layout. In this case, the layout will be 1 page wide and 2 pages tall.

  7. --delta "${0 -842pt}": This option shifts the pages vertically by the specified delta value. In this case, 0 -842pt means the pages will be shifted upwards by 842 points (which is equivalent to about 11.75 inches).

Overall, this command takes a PDF file, adds a signature image to it, scales it to fit the paper size, arranges the pages in a 1x2 layout, and shifts them upwards by a specific amount.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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