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pdfjam: Merge two (or more) PDFs.
$ pdfjam ${filename1-pdf} ${filename2-pdf} --outfile ${path-to-output_file-pdf}
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The command you are referring to is in a Unix shell-like syntax. The specific command you provided is:

pdfjam ${filename1-pdf} ${filename2-pdf} --outfile ${path-to-output_file-pdf}

Let's break down the command and its components:

  1. pdfjam: It is the name of the main command, which is typically used to manipulate PDF files.

  2. ${filename1-pdf}: It is a placeholder for the first input PDF file name. ${filename1-pdf} suggests that the variable filename1 is being used to specify the PDF file. Replace ${filename1-pdf} with the actual name of the first input PDF file you want to process.

  3. ${filename2-pdf}: Similar to the previous placeholder, it represents the second input PDF file name. Replace ${filename2-pdf} with the actual name of the second input PDF file you want to process.

  4. --outfile: It is an option that indicates the output file name where the resulting PDF will be saved to. In this case, ${path-to-output_file-pdf} is a placeholder for the path and name of the output file. Replace ${path-to-output_file-pdf} with the actual path and name you desire for the output file.

So, to use this command properly, replace the placeholders with the actual input and output file names in your command line. For example, you might use something like:

pdfjam mydoc1.pdf mydoc2.pdf --outfile /path/to/output.pdf

This command will combine or manipulate the PDF files mydoc1.pdf and mydoc2.pdf and save the output to /path/to/output.pdf.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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