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pdflatex: Compile a PDF document.
$ pdflatex ${source-tex}
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This command is used to compile a LaTeX document and generate a PDF output. The command is likely used in a command-line interface or a script.

Let's break down the command:

  • pdflatex: This is the command for running the pdflatex program, which is part of the TeX/LaTeX distribution. pdflatex is used to compile LaTeX source files into PDF documents.

  • ${source-tex}: The curly braces syntax indicates a variable or parameter. In this case, source-tex is a placeholder for the name of the LaTeX source file without the .tex extension. This is typically specified by the user or determined programmatically. For example, if the source file is mydocument.tex, ${source-tex} would be replaced with mydocument.

Overall, the command is asking the pdflatex program to process a LaTeX source file and generate a PDF output. The specific source file to be compiled is determined by the value of the source-tex variable.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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