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pdftex: Compile a PDF document.
$ pdftex ${source-tex}
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The command "pdftex ${source-tex}" is written in a shell or command-line environment and is used to compile a TeX source file (with a .tex extension) into a PDF file.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "pdftex" refers to the executable program or command "pdftex" that typically comes with a TeX distribution like TeX Live or MikTeX. This program is responsible for parsing and processing the TeX source code.
  • "${source-tex}" is a placeholder that represents the actual name of the TeX source file that you want to compile. The "${source-tex}" syntax is often used to reference a variable or parameter in a shell or command-line environment. You need to replace "${source-tex}" with the actual file name and extension (e.g., "myfile.tex").
  • When you run this command, the pdftex program will read and process the specified TeX source file and generate a corresponding PDF file as output.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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