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List of commands for pdftk:

  • pdftk:tldr:4815d pdftk: Extract pages 1-3, 5 and 6-10 from a PDF file and save them as another one.
    $ pdftk ${input-pdf} cat ${1-3 5 6-10} output ${output-pdf}
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  • pdftk:tldr:6d69a pdftk: Merge (concatenate) a list of PDF files and save the result as another one.
    $ pdftk ${file1-pdf file2-pdf ---} cat output ${output-pdf}
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  • pdftk:tldr:a54bc pdftk: Split each page of a PDF file into a separate file, with a given filename output pattern.
    $ pdftk ${input-pdf} burst output ${out_%d-pdf}
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