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pdftocairo: Convert to PNG with 200ppi resolution.
$ pdftocairo ${filename-pdf} ${output-png} -png -r 200
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This command is used to convert a PDF file to a PNG image file using the "pdftocairo" tool. Here is an explanation of each part of the command:

  • "pdftocairo": This is the name of the tool or program being executed.

  • "${filename-pdf}": This is a placeholder for the input PDF file name. You need to replace it with the actual name of the PDF file you want to convert.

  • "${output-png}": This is a placeholder for the output PNG file name. You need to replace it with the name you want to give to the converted PNG file.

  • "-png": This option specifies the output format as PNG.

  • "-r 200": This option sets the resolution of the output image to 200 dots per inch (dpi). You can adjust this value as per your requirements.

In summary, this command takes a PDF file as input, converts it into a PNG image file with a specified resolution, and saves it using the specified output file name.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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