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pdftotext: Convert pages 2, 3 and 4 of `input.pdf` to plain text and save them as `output.txt`.
$ pdftotext -f ${2} -l ${4} ${input-pdf} ${output-txt}
try on your machine

This command is a command-line instruction using the "pdftotext" utility to convert a range of pages from a PDF document into a text file. Let's break down the command:

  • "pdftotext": It is the name of the utility or program being executed.
  • "-f ${2}": It specifies the starting page number to convert. "${2}" is a placeholder that represents the second argument passed along with the command. It means you need to replace "${2}" with the actual page number you want to start the conversion from.
  • "-l ${4}": It indicates the ending page number for the conversion. "${4}" is another placeholder that represents the fourth argument passed with the command. You need to replace it with the desired end page number.
  • "${input-pdf}": It represents the input PDF file that you want to convert to text. Replace "${input-pdf}" with the actual filename/path of the PDF you want to convert.
  • "${output-txt}": It signifies the output text file where the converted text will be saved. Replace "${output-txt}" with the desired filename/path for the text file to be generated.

To use this command, replace the placeholders with actual values and execute it in a command-line interface or terminal.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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