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pdfxup: Create a PDF in booklet mode (2-up, and pages are sorted to form a book when folded).
$ pdfxup -b -o ${path-to-output-pdf} ${path-to-input-pdf}
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The command pdfxup is being executed with certain options and arguments. Here is the breakdown of each part of the command:

  • pdfxup: This is the main command being executed. It is likely a custom or third-party tool used for manipulating PDF files.
  • -b: This option is passed to pdfxup, indicating that it should perform a specific behavior or action. The exact behavior associated with this option depends on the specific tool being used.
  • -o ${path-to-output-pdf}: This option is used to specify the output file path and name for the resulting PDF. ${path-to-output-pdf} is a placeholder, which should be replaced by the actual file path where the resulting PDF will be saved.
  • ${path-to-input-pdf}: This is an argument passed to the pdfxup command, specifying the input PDF file that will be processed. ${path-to-input-pdf} is a placeholder, which should be replaced by the actual file path of the input PDF that needs to be manipulated.

To summarize, the command is instructing the pdfxup tool to execute a specific behavior (-b option) on an input PDF file (${path-to-input-pdf}) and save the resulting PDF to an output file (${path-to-output-pdf}). The actual behavior and file paths depend on the specific functionality and file paths in use.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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