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peco: Start peco for running processes.
$ ps aux | peco
try on your machine

The command ps aux lists all currently running processes on a Unix-based system. The aux options include all processes (not just the ones owned by the current user) and display additional details like CPU and memory usage.

The pipe symbol | is used to redirect the output of one command to another command as input. In this case, it redirects the output of the ps aux command to the peco command.

peco is a command-line utility that provides an interactive filtering and selection interface for text. It reads the input from ps aux and allows the user to filter and select specific processes. It presents a filtered list of processes based on user input, making it easier to find and select the desired process.

Overall, the command ps aux | peco displays a list of running processes and allows the user to interactively filter and select specific processes using peco.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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