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perf: Read `` (created by `perf record`) and display the profile.
$ sudo perf report
try on your machine

The command "sudo perf report" is used to analyze and present performance data collected using the Linux performance monitoring tool called "perf". This command generates a summary report that provides insights into the performance of a system or a specific program.

When using the "perf" command, the tool collects various performance-related data like CPU utilization, instruction counts, cache misses, and other metrics over a period of time. After collecting this data, the "perf report" command is used to process and present the collected information in a readable format.

By executing "sudo perf report", the command will launch an interactive interface that displays performance statistics and analysis. The report typically includes a call graph, showing the flow of function calls in the program being analyzed, along with statistical information related to performance events.

This command requires root or administrative privileges ("sudo") to access and collect low-level hardware performance information.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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