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perf: Run a command and record its profile into ``.
$ sudo perf record ${command}
try on your machine

The command "sudo perf record ${command}" is used to start the "perf" tool with elevated privileges through "sudo" and record performance events for a specific command.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "sudo": It is a command in Unix-like operating systems (such as Linux) that allows a user to run a command with administrative or root privileges. By using "sudo" before the command, it ensures that the "perf" tool has the necessary permissions to collect performance data.

  • "perf": It is a powerful Linux profiling tool used to analyze the performance of an application or system. It provides various functionalities to record and analyze performance events like CPU cycles, memory access patterns, context switches, etc.

  • "record": It is a subcommand of "perf" used to record performance events while executing a command.

  • "${command}": This is a placeholder that represents the actual command you want to execute and record performance events for. You would replace "${command}" with the specific command you wish to profile. For example, if you want to record the performance of running the "ls" command, you would replace "${command}" with "ls".

When you run the "sudo perf record ${command}" command, it starts the "perf" tool with elevated privileges, allowing it to record the performance events generated by executing the specified command. These performance events can then be analyzed using other "perf" commands (such as "perf report" or "perf stat") to gain insights into the performance characteristics of the system or application being monitored.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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