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pfetch: Display without colors.
$ PF_COLOR=${0} pfetch
try on your machine

This command sets the variable PF_COLOR to the value ${0} and then executes the command pfetch.

  • PF_COLOR=${0}: This assigns the value ${0} to the variable PF_COLOR. ${0} is a special variable in Unix-like systems that represents the name of the currently running script or command. So, the value of PF_COLOR will be set to the name of the script or command that is running this command.
  • pfetch: This is a command that typically retrieves system information and displays it in a formatted manner. It can show details like the operating system, CPU, memory, and other system-related information. By executing pfetch, the system information will be displayed on the terminal. The output format may vary depending on the specific configuration and version of pfetch.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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