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phan: Generate a `.phan/config.php` in the current directory.
$ phan --init
try on your machine

The command "phan --init" is used to initialize the Phan static analysis tool for PHP.

Phan is a widely used static analyzer for PHP that helps identify potential issues and bugs in PHP codebases. The "--init" option is used to create a configuration file named ".phan/config.php" in the current directory.

The configuration file allows you to specify the settings for Phan's analysis, such as which directories to analyze, which files to exclude from analysis, and which plugins to use.

When you run the "phan --init" command, it generates a basic configuration file that you can modify according to your specific needs. The generated configuration file contains commented-out examples and explanations for each option, making it easier for you to customize the static analysis behavior.

After running "phan --init" and customizing the configuration file, you can then run "phan" without any arguments to perform static analysis on your PHP codebase based on the specified configuration.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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